Dancing Mondays: Fisher Brother’s Edition

Sometimes very weird things happen in the internet.

One time I joked on Meryl Davis’ tweet and Charlie answered.  (Oh, no I’m not leaving that one alone yet.  They are olympians.  Gold olympians.)

Well, for some reason in the cosmos, Roger Fisher follows me on twitter.  Roger Fisher is a founding member of the band Heart, in case you were lazy and didn’t click on that link.  (I don’t blame you, it’s Monday.)  And he followed me first.  I was as surprised as you probably are because I’m no musician.  I don’t even remember how to read music, which I could do flawlessly when I was in fifth grade and played the clarinet.  I was in the school’s band.  Count that on the list of things that almost no one knows about me, but you do.

Anyways, it’s kind of cool.  And it made me look into his new music and BOOM.  Listen to this:

Oh, I’m going to rock that for this Monday.  Have a rocking and rolling Monday peeps!

2 thoughts on “Dancing Mondays: Fisher Brother’s Edition

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