Tuesdays of Texture | Week 5 of 2017

Tuesdays of Texture is a really awesome weekly feature.  You can read about it over here; but the short version is I want to see a bit of your world so link up your post in the comments!

Last week I broke the frontal windshield of our car (SUV, but I call everything car) hitting a branch on the way to school.

I wanted to stick contact paper or whatever fixer on it but ex-manfriend helped me with the cost and it got fixed. Turns out it will keep breaking, whatever you do to it.

Last week’s participations were very colorful, do check them out and THANKS to all participations!  Some people have mentioned Tuesdays of Texture has grown, and I dearly thank every single one of you who share a bit of your world with me.



25 thoughts on “Tuesdays of Texture | Week 5 of 2017

I like comments as much as I like naps. And I LOVE naps.