Tuesdays of Texture Week 2

Every Tuesday I post a photo of a texture or the use of a texture and share a detail of my part of the world.  

I invite you to join in the fun of sharing an image of the textures around you by including a link to this post in your own post (you don’t have to make an exclusive Tuesdays of Texture post!).  You can also @ naramilee in twitter or instagram if you want to share an image from either platform. 

You can find an image you like during the week if you don’t have one today 🙂  

(Links to this post will automatically appear as ping backs.)

Bar texture.

Today it’s the Three Kings Day celebration here, kids receive gifts and most people have family parties.  It also happens to be the birthday of my beloved mother so it’s extra special for me.
I’m sharing one of her favorite textures, a special piece of furniture that she inherited from my grandfather.
This bar had a prominent place in her home growing up and she always loved it.  It’s hand carved and as you can see depicts Japanese (they could be Chinese, I actually don’t know but have always thought of them as Japanese) scenes.  It opens like a magic box from the top but towards you and inside has beautiful cutglass and is covered in mirrors so it’s an unforgettable experience, more than a bar.
Oh, and I didn’t get them here, but each leg is a gargoyle.  Baby J is already obsessed with it so I’m pretty sure the prominent place in the family is guaranteed.
Last week we had three awesome contributions, please go around to see these:
Kim shared a surprising find, it looks like a tree that wanted to grow in circles?  It’s amazing.
prior shared a wine bottle carrier made of alpaca hair.  If your reaction was WHAA?  Yes, just click.
Those three contributions resume why I do Tuesdays of Texture;  I really love to come across this photos of things that I had never seen before 🙂
Hope you have an awesome and textured Tuesday!

15 thoughts on “Tuesdays of Texture Week 2

  1. mrsbearfoot says:

    Can you imagine the amount of time spent in creating that piece?! It’s beautiful, and nice to know it will remain in your family. 🙂

    My link is above – one more from the farm museum.

    It’s snowy and very cold here today, so enjoy your warm weather for me! 😀


    Liked by 1 person

    • narami says:

      I have often thought about the same thing! And wondered maybe more than one artist worked on it? The details in the faces are amazing!
      We actually have a very windy day I think it’s going to be cold (caribbean cold!) later 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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