Tuesdays of Textures

Every Tuesday I post a photo of a texture or the use of a texture.  In hopes of getting to know a bit more about your part of the world, I invite you to join in the fun of sharing an image of the textures around you by including a link to this post in your own Tuesdays of Texture post. You can find an image you like during the week if you don’t have one today 🙂  

Be sure to check out the other submissions in the comments section!  (Links to this post will appear as pingbacks.)

“Hope is the thing with feathers

That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.”

– Emily Dickinson


Last week wrap up:

Marie shared a lot of water in her post and because it is the last days of summer and I want to hang on to them, it felt so refreshing!   Go get a splash of textures.

Debbie shared a grand shot of the Atomium.  Look at the reflection of that thing.  Yes, whoa.

I had been wanting something different to share on Tuesdays of Textures and one afternoon I saw those tiny feathers blowing in the wind.  It felt like the shot came to me on a call for nature.  I liked the movement in the shot.
It is framed right in front of the hill (last photo) and as it happened with the mushroom, I walked by less than an hour later and the feathers had gone to their final destination.

This post was shared in this week’s Photo Challenge because casually, it was texture!  You can merge challenges 🙂

Have a great day!

10 thoughts on “Tuesdays of Textures

I like comments as much as I like naps. And I LOVE naps.