We’ll see you later Pupito

This week, on the day of manfriend’s birthday, we suddenly lost our beloved dog Kennie Alexander.

He was my dearest companion, friend and son for twelve years.  I rescued him and had the blessing of having him rescue me;  he took away my solitude.   Now we mourn a new life without the joy and happiness of his presence.

We will carry his love and the smiles he gave us when he welcomed us home in our hearts forever.

This is for the most wonderful twelve years two living souls ever spent together.


6 thoughts on “We’ll see you later Pupito

  1. 2geeks3knots says:

    Wow, do we ever know how you feel! We have also lost “dogs” (the quotes are there because the word simply doesn’t do justice to these companions) and it is a great blow. Love is forever.. and the unconditional love we have for and from our pets is so special. Sorry for your loss 😦


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