When you wish upon a star… maybe nothing happens

I spent my first three years of college in a very rural town, in the center of this island. It was full of mountains all around, when I got there the only fast food place was a Burger King about thirty minutes from my dorm, on foot.

There was not much to do there. We used to go around the plaza, the center of the town in one of the cars wearing PJ’s listening to Bob Marley, we walked around a lot, specially at night. One of our favorite things to do was to load the car with beers and limoncillo (50% crystal light lemon flavor, 50% vodka) and go to a viewpoint. We threw old bedding on the pavement beside the cars, that we parked almost at the top, and lay there drinking and looking at the stars. Sometimes we wanted to be close together and one comforter would have nine persons, other times we each found a corner for ourselves.

The sky was so different there, we were so high for one and so far away from city lights you could really see clearly all the stars. I remember how we could whisper to each other and the whisper would carry clearly through for it was so quite. But we almost never whispered, we sang at the top of our lungs and laughed loud… anyway it was one of the bestest feelings, to lay under that big sky, one felt so little, yet so special. Not a care in the world.

And the shooting stars!! Every time we went we saw at least one, very clear, long trails of light. We then closed our eyes and made wishes, innocently believing that they will surely come true.

I was doing that yesterday night. I got my iTouch, a flashlight and a towel and went up to the roof. The sky was very clear, there were clouds but there was also wind so you could see the clouds going by very fast, every moment you looked away the sky changed very quickly. So I lay there listening to some of my favorite music, because it was that kind of night and waited for hours for a call that never came.

By the end of Purple Rain I saw a shooting star. I’m such a kid, I knew I was going to see at least one, but when I saw it, I clasped my hands over my mouth and closed my eyes tight to make the wish, against my logic’s will too.

I don’t think age will ever make the sky less magical for me.

3 thoughts on “When you wish upon a star… maybe nothing happens

  1. geekhiker says:

    This is an absolutely beautifully written piece. It both makes me feel like I’m there with you and makes me wish I had been there, looking up at the wide expanse of sky from your roof.

    I hope you never lose that sense of wonder. 🙂


  2. narami says:

    Oh, thank you Hiker! & btw you have seen your good share of beautiful skies at night, I’m guessing from those hikes in awesome places… you know, one thing I like to think when I watch the stars is; we are all under the same sky. I mean, I’m over here, and you for example are over there, but ultimately it’s the same sky …which means that never we are as far away as we think from others, then. I like to think that because I have friends in other places and it’s a comforting thought 🙂

    & I hope so too, though I’m pretty sure I’ll always be a kid… I just refuse to not be amazed by the world around me 😀


  3. narami says:

    Reblogged this on de monte y mar and commented:

    For this I Remember edition I’m reblogging an entry where Purple Rain makes an appearance. It’s not about the song per se, but you can read an example of the part it played in my life; it’s one of my favorite songs to blast and scream. Prince was one of my favorite artist since I was a little girl. He might have been one of my first celebrity crushes actually, because I totally fell in love when I saw him in Purple Rain, the movie, and I was about five. He was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. From that moment on if a guy needed to talk a lot to be sexy, he lost all sex appeal to me.
    And then that song.

    It’s so genius, I mean, Prince was a genius and it showed in his music. This song particularly touches a finer in me. I think it also has to do with the fact that on my first cruise -when I was 23- I saw a guy sing this song to his wife, while crying – literally bawling – in front of a huge crowd, all of who started singing with him and then we all ended up crying too. The story was that they had a very difficult first year – I don’t remember if she had been sick or he had done something awful – what I remember is that he played that song to her and she accepted him back and they were commemorating that moment in front of a couple of hundred people. The story was passed from one group to the other while the guy began singing, and by the time he finished I remember I had to change napkins because I had cried so hard, one hand waving in the air, feeling each music beat like a bump in the heart.

    Let’s remember this.



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